
 * @module Container
 * @namespace springroll
	 * @class Container
	var plugin = new springroll.ContainerPlugin(80);

	plugin.setup = function()
		 * Reference to the pause application button
		 * @property {jquery} pauseButton
		this.pauseButton = $(this.options.pauseButton)

		 * If the application is currently paused manually
		 * @property {boolean} _isManualPause
		 * @private
		 * @default false
		this._isManualPause = false;

		 * If the current application is paused
		 * @property {Boolean} _paused
		 * @private
		 * @default false
		this._paused = false;

		 * If the current application is paused
		 * @property {Boolean} paused
		 * @default false
		Object.defineProperty(this, 'paused',
			set: function(paused)
				this._paused = paused;

				if (this.client)
					this.client.send('pause', paused);
				 * Fired when the pause state is toggled
				 * @event pause
				 * @param {boolean} paused If the application is now paused
				 * Fired when the application resumes from a paused state
				 * @event resumed
				 * Fired when the application becomes paused
				 * @event paused
				this.trigger(paused ? 'paused' : 'resumed');
				this.trigger('pause', paused);

				// Set the pause button state
				if (this.pauseButton)
					this.pauseButton.removeClass('unpaused paused')
						.addClass(paused ? 'paused' : 'unpaused');
			get: function()
				return this._paused;

	 * Toggle the current paused state of the application
	 * @method onPauseToggle
	 * @private
	var onPauseToggle = function()
		this.paused = !this.paused;
		this._isManualPause = this.paused;

	plugin.opened = function()

		// Reset the paused state
		this.paused = this._paused;

	plugin.close = function()
		this.paused = false;

	plugin.teardown = function()
		delete this.pauseButton;
		delete this._isManualPause;
		delete this._paused;
