
 * @module Container
 * @namespace springroll
	var Debug = include('springroll.Debug', false);

	 * Provide feature detection
	 * @class Features
	var Features = {};

	 * If the browser has flash
	 * @property {boolean} flash
	Features.flash = function()
		var hasFlash = false;
			var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash');
			if (fo)
				hasFlash = true;
		catch (e)
			if (navigator.mimeTypes &&
				navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'] !== undefined &&
				hasFlash = true;
		return hasFlash;

	 * If the browser has WebGL support
	 * @property {boolean} webgl
	Features.webgl = function()
		var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
		if ('supportsContext' in canvas)
			return canvas.supportsContext('webgl') ||
		return !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;

	 * If the browser has Canvas support
	 * @property {boolean} canvas
	Features.canvas = function()
		var elem = document.createElement('canvas');
		return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d'));

	 * If the browser has WebAudio API support
	 * @property {boolean} webaudio
	Features.webaudio = function()
		return 'webkitAudioContext' in window || 'AudioContext' in window;

	 * If the browser has Web Sockets API
	 * @property {boolean} websockets
	Features.websockets = function()
		return 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window;

	 * If the browser has Geolocation API
	 * @property {boolean} geolocation
	Features.geolocation = function()
		return 'geolocation' in navigator;

	 * If the browser has Web Workers API
	 * @property {boolean} webworkers
	Features.webworkers = function()
		return !!window.Worker;

	 * If the browser has touch
	 * @property {boolean} touch
	Features.touch = function()
		return !!(('ontouchstart' in window) || // iOS & Android
			(navigator.msPointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0) || // IE10
			(navigator.pointerEnabled && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)); // IE11+

	 * Test for basic browser compatiliblity 
	 * @method basic
	 * @static
	 * @return {String} The error message, if fails
	Features.basic = function()
		if (!Features.canvas)
			return 'Browser does not support canvas';
		else if (!Features.webaudio && !Features.flash)
			return 'Browser does not support WebAudio or Flash audio';
		return null;

	 * See if the current bowser has the correct features
	 * @method test
	 * @static
	 * @param {object} capabilities The capabilities
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features The features
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features.webgl WebGL required
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features.geolocation Geolocation required
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features.webworkers Web Workers API required
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features.webaudio WebAudio API required
	 * @param {object} capabilities.features.websockets WebSockets required
	 * @param {object} capabilities.sizes The sizes
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.sizes.xsmall Screens < 480
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.sizes.small Screens < 768
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.sizes.medium Screens < 992
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.sizes.large Screens < 1200
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.sizes.xlarge Screens >= 1200
	 * @param {object} capabilities.ui The ui
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.ui.touch Touch capable
	 * @param {Boolean} capabilities.ui.mouse Mouse capable
	 * @return {String|null} The error, or else returns null
	Features.test = function(capabilities)
		// check for basic compatibility
		var err = Features.basic();
		if (err)
			return err;
		var features = capabilities.features;
		var ui = capabilities.ui;
		var sizes = capabilities.sizes;

		for (var name in features)
			if (Features[name] !== undefined)
				// Failed built-in feature check
				if (features[name] && !Features[name])
					return "Browser does not support " + name;
					if (DEBUG && Debug)
						Debug.log("Browser has " + name);
				if (DEBUG && Debug)
					Debug.warn("The feature " + name + " is not supported");

		// Failed negative touch requirement
		if (!ui.touch && Features.touch)
			return "Game does not support touch input";

		// Failed mouse requirement
		if (!ui.mouse && !Features.touch)
			return "Game does not support mouse input";

		// Check the sizes
		var size = Math.max(window.screen.width, window.screen.height);

		if (!sizes.xsmall && size < 480)
			return "Game doesn't support extra small screens";
		if (!sizes.small && size < 768)
			return "Game doesn't support small screens";
		if (!sizes.medium && size < 992)
			return "Game doesn't support medium screens";
		if (!sizes.large && size < 1200)
			return "Game doesn't support large screens";
		if (!sizes.xlarge && size >= 1200)
			return "Game doesn't support extra large screens";
		return null;

	if (DEBUG && Debug)
	{"Browser Feature Detection" +
			("\n\tFlash support " + (Features.flash ? "\u2713" : "\u00D7")) +
			("\n\tCanvas support " + (Features.canvas ? "\u2713" : "\u00D7")) +
			("\n\tWebGL support " + (Features.webgl ? "\u2713" : "\u00D7")) +
			("\n\tWebAudio support " + (Features.webaudio ? "\u2713" : "\u00D7"))

	//Leak Features namespace
	namespace('springroll').Features = Features;
