
 * @module PIXI Animation
 * @namespace springroll.pixi
 * @requires  Core, PIXI Display, Animation
	var Application = include("springroll.Application");
	var AnimatorInstance = include('springroll.AnimatorInstance');
	var AdvancedMovieClip = include('springroll.pixi.AdvancedMovieClip');

	 * The plugin for working with AdvancedMovieClips and animator
	 * @class AdvancedMovieClipInstance
	 * @extends springroll.AnimatorInstance
	 * @private
	var AdvancedMovieClipInstance = function()

		 * The start time of the current animation on the movieclip's timeline.
		 * @property {Number} startTime
		this.startTime = 0;

		 * Length of current animation in frames.
		 * @property {int} length
		this.length = 0;

		 * The frame number of the first frame of the current animation. If this is -1, then the
		 * animation is currently a pause instead of an animation.
		 * @property {int} firstFrame
		this.firstFrame = -1;

		 * The frame number of the last frame of the current animation.
		 * @property {int} lastFrame
		this.lastFrame = -1;

	// Reference to the prototype
	var p = AnimatorInstance.extend(AdvancedMovieClipInstance);

	 * The initialization method
	 * @method init
	 * @param  {*} clip The movieclip
	p.init = function(clip)
		//make sure the movieclip is framerate independent
		if (!clip.framerate)
			clip.framerate = Application.instance.options.fps || 15;
		clip.tickEnabled = false;

		this.clip = clip;
		this.isLooping = false;
		this.currentName = null;
		this.position = this.duration = 0;
		//ensure that if we call endAnim() before any animation
		//that it stays on the current frame
		this.lastFrame = clip.currentFrame;

	p.beginAnim = function(animObj, isRepeat)
		//calculate frames, duration, etc
		//then gotoAndPlay on the first frame
		var anim = this.currentName = animObj.anim;

		var l, first = -1,
			last = -1,
			loop = false;

		if (anim == "*")
			first = 0;
			last = this.clip.totalFrames - 1;
			loop = !!animObj.loop;
			var labels = this.clip.getLabels();
			//go through the list of labels (they are sorted by frame number)
			var stopLabel = anim + "_stop";
			var loopLabel = anim + "_loop";

			for (var i = 0, len = labels.length; i < len; ++i)
				l = labels[i];
				if (l.label == anim)
					first = l.position;
				else if (l.label == stopLabel)
					last = l.position;
				else if (l.label == loopLabel)
					last = l.position;
					loop = true;
		this.firstFrame = first;
		this.lastFrame = last;
		this.length = last - first;
		this.isLooping = loop;
		var fps = this.clip.framerate;
		this.startTime = this.firstFrame / fps;
		this.duration = this.length / fps;
		if (isRepeat)
			this.position = 0;
			var animStart = animObj.start || 0;
			this.position = animStart < 0 ? Math.random() * this.duration : animStart;

		this.clip.elapsedTime = this.startTime + this.position;

	 * Ends animation playback.
	 * @method endAnim
	p.endAnim = function()

	 * Updates position to a new value, and does anything that the clip needs, like updating
	 * timelines.
	 * @method setPosition
	 * @param  {Number} newPos The new position in the animation.
	p.setPosition = function(newPos)
		this.position = newPos;
		this.clip.elapsedTime = this.startTime + newPos;

	 * Check to see if a clip is compatible with this
	 * @method test
	 * @static
	 * @return {Boolean} if the clip is supported by this instance
	AdvancedMovieClipInstance.test = function(clip)
		return clip instanceof AdvancedMovieClip;

	 * Checks if animation exists
	 * @method hasAnimation
	 * @static
	 * @param {*} clip The clip to check for an animation.
	 * @param {String} event The frame label event (e.g. "onClose" to "onClose_stop")
	 * @return {Boolean} does this animation exist?
	AdvancedMovieClipInstance.hasAnimation = function(clip, event)
		//the wildcard event plays the entire timeline
		if (event == "*")
			return true;

		var labels = clip.getLabels();
		var startFrame = -1,
			stopFrame = -1;
		var stopLabel = event + "_stop";
		var loopLabel = event + "_loop";
		var l;
		for (var i = 0, len = labels.length; i < len; ++i)
			l = labels[i];
			if (l.label == event)
				startFrame = l.position;
			else if (l.label == stopLabel || l.label == loopLabel)
				stopFrame = l.position;
		return startFrame >= 0 && stopFrame > 0;

	 * Calculates the duration of an animation or list of animations.
	 * @method getDuration
	 * @static
	 * @param  {*} clip The clip to check.
	 * @param  {String} event The animation or animation list.
	 * @return {Number} Animation duration in milliseconds.
	AdvancedMovieClipInstance.getDuration = function(clip, event)
		//make sure the movieclip has a framerate
		if (!clip.framerate)
			clip.framerate = Application.instance.options.fps || 15;

		//the wildcard event plays the entire timeline
		if (event == "*")
			return clip.totalFrames / clip.framerate;

		var labels = clip.getLabels();
		var startFrame = -1,
			stopFrame = -1;
		var stopLabel = event + "_stop";
		var loopLabel = event + "_loop";
		var l;
		for (var i = 0, labelsLength = labels.length; i < labelsLength; ++i)
			l = labels[i];
			if (l.label == event)
				startFrame = l.position;
			else if (l.label == stopLabel || l.label == loopLabel)
				stopFrame = l.position;
		if (startFrame >= 0 && stopFrame > 0)
			return (stopFrame - startFrame) / clip.framerate * 1000;
			return 0;

	 * Reset this animator instance
	 * so it can be re-used.
	 * @method destroy
	p.destroy = function()
		this.clip = null;

	// Assign to namespace
	namespace('springroll.pixi').AdvancedMovieClipInstance = AdvancedMovieClipInstance;
